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The Hot Mess Writers:

Brought Together by Writing and Illustrating for Young Readers (WIFYR) and Brigham Young University (BYU)

2013/2014: Tracy met Valerie and Jessica in different creative writing classes at BYU in 2013 and formed a critique group with them in 2014.

2015: Valerie met Tamara at WIFYR and invited her to join the group.

2017: Patrice sat next to Tracy at WIFYR, overheard that she was in a writing group, and invited herself.

2016: Jordan was in Valerie and David's class at WIFYR, learned they were in a writing group, and asked to join.

2020Heidi was in Patrice and Valerie's online class at WIFYR, stalked Patrice on Twitter, and emailed Patrice and Valerie to request to join.

2021: David met Valerie and Tracy in a creative writing class at BYU in 2016 and joined the critique group then, but he took a break after a short period. He returned in 2021.

*Club history only includes members active in 2023; other Hot Mess Writers contributed to the Club over the years and have since left or taken a break.

Hot Mess Writers Club

©2023 by Hot Mess Writers Club

Logo by Heidi M. Rogers

Website by Patrice Hale with Wix

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