About Heidi.
Heidi M. Rogers writes and illustrates books for kids, centering around themes of community, empathy, inclusion, and love. She graduated with a BA in art in 2005 and is a member of SCBWI. Her illustration work received an Honorable Mention in the 2022 #PBParty showcase. Born and raised in Southern California, Heidi now lives in Salt Lake City with her husband, four children, and their adopted pup. When it's summer, she loves paddleboarding at beautiful lakes. When it's not summer, she's writing books about summer.
Portfolio: heidimrogers.com
Instagram: @heidimrogers

Writing Background
Heidi spent her childhood writing and drawing comics with her brother, then moved on to angsty poetry in her tween years. In high school, she was a staff writer, page editor, then editor-in-chief (& re-designer/re-brander) of the school newspaper. In university, she studied art and graphic design.
It wasn't until she had children that the passion for creative writing was reignited. Since then, she's written countless picture books, half a dozen YA contemporary novels, and is venturing into the realm of young graphic novels now.